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  5. Subscription Integration

Subscription Integration


  • For the integration, you need to have the Elite platform or both Subscription and Classified platforms. if you have Elite platform skip next step.
  • copy both platform codes under one place, so that they will be merged.
  • proceed with the installation process and make sure all modules installed in addition to the desired payment plugins.


  • Once you have your environment up and running, go ahead a and create your subscription product
  • The recurring product features make sure you create 2 features, one of them to define how many classified products user can create, and the other how many featured ads per each plan
  • specify the feature values in the plan management.
  • once you complete the steps above you should have Product Id, Feature Id for Ads count, Feature Id for Featured Products counts.
  • Under Settings -> Classified,  enable subscription classified and fill the Ids you grabbed from the subscription product








Once you have settings configured, the system will check if the end-user has a valid subscription to manage his ads, and will redirect him to subscribe.