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  5. Event Notifications

Event Notifications

Laraship Notification manager is utilizing Laravel events to send emails and notification to end user(s) when an event is fired, like user registration, password reset, order placed.

Once the module installed it will seed the supported notification template to the Notification Template table under settings, where admin can go there and modify it to match its style, language or even adding more details or removing unnecessary sections.

This will ensure full customization and control on communications between the website and end users.



Now, let’s go through the features available for every notification template:

  1. Ability to modify Template attributes like Subject and content with the ability to use the placeholder and replace fields from the list of the available variables.
  2. Ability to specify BCC users and BCC roles, which means all selected users will receive a copy of this notification, the same applies to roles.
  3. Specifiy the communication channel to be used to send the notification whether its an email, browser notification or user preference.
  4. with User preference user with that role will have the option to manage how to receive notifications under his profile,