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Directory Module

Laraship Directory is a Listing application where you can power it to be an advertisement revenue or for internal use, that’s very simple and intuitive to use, also it integrated with the Utility module where you can set up the Categories and Locations.


  • Under Settings Directory you will see the options below to customize the setup


  1. Google API Key: Directory application depends heavily on google maps for showing listing in the maps in very nice way, also we collect latitude and longitude using google address autocomplete functionality, and that gives you the ability to search based on a distance radius.
  2. Contact Methods: You can define the communication channels between the listing owner and the end-user like Email, Facebook Page,…
  3. Wishlist Management: specify whether you want to have “Add to Favourite” for listings.
  4. Enable Rating: Specify whether you need to show ratings for end-users and give them the ability to comment.
  5. Default rating status: this gives you the option whether you want to show the rating immediately or you want to moderate them
  6. Default listing status: define whether you want the listing to be approved by admin before it goes live.
  7. Enable Internal Messaging: this specifies whether you want to enable the messaging module between users where they communication inside Laraship platform or you want them to handle the communication externally.
  8. Invitation Text and Subject: this is the default text and message to show in the invitation popup.





