Install via Github
Laraship Core is Open Source on Github!, among hundreds of modules and themes ๐
Installation should be direct and simple,
- Using composer
composer create-project corals/larashipcomposer create-project corals/laraship
composer create-project corals/laraship
- Or Clone, Fork, or Download ZIP from GitHub
then you can follow the installation steps from the following link
you can include the laraship free packages as any other composer package by the following command
composer require corals/{package name}
#for example
composer require corals/cms
composer require corals/marketplace
composer require corals/{package name}
#for example
composer require corals/cms
composer require corals/marketplace
composer require corals/{package name} #for example composer require corals/cms composer require corals/marketplace
for paid packages, you need to set your email and license key in the auth.json in the root folder
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "YOUR_EMAIL",
"password": "LICENSE_KEY"
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "YOUR_EMAIL",
"password": "LICENSE_KEY"
{ "http-basic": { "": { "username": "YOUR_EMAIL", "password": "LICENSE_KEY" } } }
then you can run the composer require command for the required package.