Plugin Installation
If you bought a standard Laraship plugin like form builder or referral manager plugin, you can install it easily using 3 methods:
Method 1
- log in to your console under the webroot folder
- let’s assume you need to install the Utility module, module code is corals-utility , run the commands below.
$ php artisan corals:modules --action=download --type=module --module_name=corals-utility $ composer update $ php artisan corals:modules --action=install --type=module --module_name=corals-utility
Method 2
- Upload the plugin into Corals/Modules Folder and if its a Payment Module you need to upload it under Corals/Modules/Payment with the name of the folder mentioned under modules.json
- Some plugins require dependencies (if there is a file called composer.json inside plugin folder” so it’s highly recommended to run :
composer update
if there is no dependency then you just need to run :
composer dump-autoload
- go to Administration=>Modules and Click Install.
Method 3
- Go to Administration => Modules
- Click Add Module.
- Enter the module code and license key.
- Click download.
- Some plugins require dependencies (if there is a file called composer.json inside plugin folder” so it’s highly recommended to run :
composer update
if there is no dependency then you just need to run :
composer dump-autoload
- go to Administration=>Modules and Click Install.