If you have customers and you want to manage the way of sending them newsletters, updates, or announcements, the Laraship Laravel SMS newsletter can help you in managing these numbers in different lists and track the sending statistics, it can even help you track messages sent or received on the single content level.
SMS Newsletter Features:
- Multiple Senders and Providers: You can define multiple senders with different phone numbers, and each sender can be from different providers. like Nexmo and Twilio.
- List Management: Phone numbers can be assigned to multiple lists, which will make sending to a group of numbers easier.
- Conversation Screen, you can view the list of messages sent and received for a specific phone number and communicate with that number from there.
- Bulk import of numbers and automatically assign them to a specific list.
- Webhooks Integration to receive the status of SMS sent, like delivered, received, ..
- predefined SMS templates, instead of writing the same SMS again and again for different recipients, you can define templates that can be reused with a dynamic place holder, like email,..
6. Simple installation, High performance with no blocking on the frontend, as messages are being sent using queue management.
the demo for the SMS module can be found here
Module installations can be found here:
Module Configuration documentation can be found here: